Weddings, Baptisms & Dedications


Marriage, with or without Christian premarital counseling, is a challenging adventure that can be both rewarding and fulfilling if it is characterized by unconditional commitment and sacrificial love. However, marriage is also a union of two individuals who have come together from different families, each with a different set of expectations concerning marriage. Both spouses have been shaped by positive and negative experiences within their own childhood homes. Because of this, each has a predetermined idea about how conflict should be handled, the value of money management, religion, having children, and what it means to love someone. 

Before you say "I Do" Pastor Chris will provide counseling and get you well prepared to walk down the ailse and begin a beautiful life together. This Faith-Based counseling is designed to teach couples about the truth about marriage, according to God's Word, the Bible. 


 Christian baptism is one of two ordinances that Jesus instituted for the church. Just before His ascension, Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19–20). These instructions specify that the church is responsible to teach Jesus’ word, make disciples, and baptize those disciples. These things are to be done everywhere (“all nations”) until “the very end of the age.”  Click here to schedule baptism. 


 It's exciting whenever a new child enters a family. There's no greater moment when parents sense that children are a gift from God. In these joyful moments, we have the privilege of sharing how parents can express their full appreciation to God through baby dedication. Dedicating a child acknowledges God's sovereignty not only over the child, but also Mom and Dad. Parents present their child before God and His people asking for grace and wisdom in carrying out their responsibilities. Parents also come praying that their child might one day trust Jesus Christ as Savior for the forgiveness of sin. Click here to schedule baby dedication.